Lighter 80 Fill Color Excel

  1. Excel Fill Cell Color
  2. Lighter 80 Fill Color Excel Shortcut
  3. Lighter 80 Fill Color Excel Spreadsheet
  4. Apply The Blue Accent 1 Lighter 80 Fill Color Excel
  5. Lighter 80 Fill Color Excel Template

To change a cell background, use one of the colors on the Background Color section.

Lighter 80 Fill Color Excel

Practical Learning: Painting the Background of Cells

  1. Start Microsoft Excel and open the DAWN Report2.xlsx workbook
  2. Right Cell C2 and click Format Cells...
  3. In the Format Cells dialog box, click the Fill property page.
    In the Background Color section, click a light blue color (5th column, 2nd row in the list)
  4. Click OK
  5. On the Ribbon, click Page Layout
  6. In the Sheet Options section, in the Gridlines section, remove the check mark of the Gridlines check box
  7. Press Ctrl + Home

Cell Formatting With Font

Start Microsoft Excel and o pen the DAWN Report2.xlsx workbook; Right Cell C2 and click Format Cells. In the Format Cells dialog box, click the Fill property page. In the Background Color section, click a light blue color (5th column, 2nd row in the list) Click OK; On the Ribbon, click Page Layout. Microsoft Excel Fundamentals: Participant Guide 15 4. In the Home tab/Font group, click the Font Color down arrow. Click on White, Background 1. In the Home tab/Font group. Click the Fill Color down arrow. Click on Blue, Accent 1, Lighter 80%. Figure 24 Figure 25. Hello, please could you tell me the RGB colour code for them colour; Blue, Accent 1, Lighter 80% in excel? I don't seem to be able to get the shading right despite scouring the internet.


A font is an art effect made of designed symbols used to represent letters and other characters on acell or a group of cells. A font is designed by an artist but usually follows a specific pattern. For example, a font designed to produce symbols readable in the US English language must be designed by a set of predetermined and agreed upon symbols. These English symbols are grouped in an entity called the English alphabet. When designing such a font, the symbols createdshould conform to a particular language.Because a font is primarily an art, one font can be different from another and a font is not necessarily a series of readable symbols.

Just like everything else in the computer, a font must have a name. A font is also designed to assume different sizes. Before using it on aworksheet, the font must have been installed. Microsoft Windows installs many fonts during setup.Microsoft Office 2007 also installs new fonts when it is setup.


The font used on the Microsoft Excel application to display its menus and the names of objects is controlled by the operating system.Unless you have a good reason, you should not be concerned with it.

The names of fonts installed on your computer can be seen in the Fonts windowaccessible from Control Panel. Here is an example:

Excel Fill Cell Color

Microsoft Excel uses some default fonts to display the name of columns and rows on a worksheet. Another font is used by default to show the contents of cells. If you want to use a different font to display text in cells, you can changes these defaults. When changing the default font, in other words if you decide to change the defaultfont, you should use only the most popular fonts that are more likely to be found on your user’s computers.

To assist you with setting thefonts of columns, the ribbon is equipped with a Font section in the Home tab:

Practical Learning: Introducing Fonts

  1. Open the RTHS1.xlsx workbook:
  2. On the Ribbon Home if necessary.
    In Sheet1, Click cell B2 to activate it

The Name of a Font

You can make a worksheet user-friend by applying some fonts and colors to theircontent. A font is primarily known by its name as we saw in the above Fontswindow. When starting a worksheet,Microsoft Office Excel 2007 applies a default font named Calibri to the cells. If you want, you can change it.

To change the font used by a cell or a group of cells:

  • Click the cell to activate it or select a group of cells. On the Ribbon, click Home. In the Font section:
    • Click the arrow of the Font combo box and select thedesired font
    • Click the more options button . This would open the Format Cells dialog box with the Font tab activated. In the Font property page, use the Font combo box to select the desired font
  • Right-click a cell and click Format Cells. Select a group of cells then right-click the selection and click Format Cells. In the Format Cells dialog box, click the Font tab. In the Font property page, use the Font combo box to select the desired font

Practical Learning: Selecting a Font

  1. While Cell B2 is selected, in the Font section of the Ribbon, click the arrow of the Font combo box and select Bell MT
  2. Right-click Cell B3 and click Format Cells...
  3. In the Format Cells dialog box, click Font. In the Font property page, scroll down in the Font combo box and select Garamond
  4. Click OK
  5. Save the workbook

The Size of a Font

Besides its name, a font is also known for its size. The size defines how much height and proportional width would be used to represent the characters of the selected font.

To specify the font size used by a cell or a group of cells:

Lighter 80 Fill Color Excel Shortcut

  • Click the cell to activate it or select a group of cells. On the Ribbon, click Home. In the Font section:
    • Click the arrow of the Font Size combo box and select thedesired size
    • Click the more options button . In the Font property page of the Format Cells dialog box, use the Size combo box to select the desired size
  • Right-click a cell and click Format Cells. Select a group of cells then right-click the selection and click Format Cells. In the Format Cells dialog box, click the Font tab. In the Font property page, use the Size combo box to select the desired font

When a font is installed, a set of font sizes is created in the Font Size combobox. You can use those numbers but you can also set a new one. To do this,instead of selecting a value in the Font Size combo box, type the desired numberand press Enter or Tab. The operating system would calculate the size and applyit.

Practical Learning: Setting the Font Size of a Cell

  1. On the worksheet, click Cell B2
  2. In the Font section of the Home tab of the Ribbon, click the arrow of the Font Size combo box (the top-right combo box of the Font section) and click 22
  3. Click Cell B3
  4. In the Font section of the Ribbon, click the more options button
  5. In the Font property page of the Format Cells dialog box, scroll down in the Size combo box and select 16
  6. Press Ctrl + S to save the workbook

The Style of a Font

Another aspect of the appearance of a font is its style, which is a technique ofdrawing the characters of the text, depending on the font. This characteristiccomes in four options:

Regular Regular Text
BoldThis text is bold
ItalicItalicized section
UnderlineThe words are underlined

By default, Microsoft Excel appliesthe Regular font style to the cells of a worksheet. You can change this characteristic if you want. Tochange the font style of a cell or a group of cells:

  • Click the cell or select a group of cells on the worksheet. In the Home tab of the Ribbon, in the Font section,
  • Right-click a cell and click

Lighter 80 Fill Color Excel Spreadsheet

  • Click the cell to activate it or select a group of cells. On the Ribbon, click Home. In the Font section:
    • Click the button that represents the desired style:Bold ,Italic ,or Underline
    • Click the more options button . In the Font property page of the Format Cells dialog box, select the desired option in the Font Style combo box
  • Right-click a cell and click Format Cells... Select a group of cells then right-click the selection and click Format Cells. In the Format Cells dialog box, click the Font tab. In the Font property page, select the desired style in the Font Style combo box

You can specify more than one style on a cell or a group of cells. To do this, click the buttonof the desired style. When a style is valid for a control, when you click thatcontrol, the style button is highlighted: ,or .To remove a style, click the undesired button. To add a style to another style,simply click the desired button. Based on this, you can have one, two or threebuttons highlighted in the combination of your choice.

Lighter 80 fill color excel spreadsheet

Apply The Blue Accent 1 Lighter 80 Fill Color Excel

Practical Learning: Formatting With Styles

  1. Still in Sheet1, click cell B2
  2. In Font section of the Ribbon, click the Bold button
  3. Click the arrow of the Font Color button and select Blue
  4. On the worksheet, right-click Cell B3 and click Format Cells...
  5. In the Format Cells dialog box, click Font if necessary.
    In the Font list, on the Font Style list, click Bold
  6. Click the arrow of the Color combo box and select Dark Blue, Text, Lighter 40%
  7. Click OK on the Format Cells dialog box
  8. Format the other sections as follows:
  9. Save the workbook

Cells Formatting With Styles

A formatting style is a set of font, font size, color, and patterns designed to make a worksheet or one of its sections look good. Microsoft Excel is equipped with categories of styles. You can use those ones or create your own.

When applying a style, you decide to format various cells at the same time using a category of style that has been predefined. Therefore, you apply such a style to a cell or range of cells. By default, when you are typing data in a worksheet, you are already using a predetermined style made of a certain font (Calibri), a font size (11), a border, and background, etc. You can modify this style or create a new one.

Lighter 80 Fill Color Excel Template

To apply a style, you use the Styles section of the Ribbon.

Practical Learning: Formatting With Styles

  1. In Sheet1, select Cells B11:B17
  2. On the Ribbon, click Home if necessary. In the Styles, click the More button and select Output
  3. Select Cells B21:B32
  4. In the Styles section of the Ribbon, click the More button and select Output
  5. Select Cells C11:H17
  6. In the Styles section of the Ribbon, click the More button and click New Cell Style...
  7. Type Grades to replace the style name and click Format…
  8. In the Format Cells dialog box, click the Font tab. Change the font to Verdana, style Regular, size 10
  9. Click the Border property page
  10. In the Line Style section, click the thin line (1st column, 7th row)
  11. Click the Color combo box and select Tan, Background 2, Darker 10%
  12. In the Border section, click the top border, the bottom border, the left border, and the right border buttons:
  13. On the Format Cells dialog, click OK
  14. On the Style dialog, click OK
  15. Click Cell I11
  16. In the Styles section of the Ribbon, click the More button and click New Cell Style...
  17. Type Text Entry to replace the style name and click Format…
  18. In the Format Cells dialog box, click the Font tab. Change the font to Verdana, style Regular, size 10
  19. Click the Color combo box and select Blue
  20. Click the Border property page
  21. In the Line Style section, click the thin line (1st column, 7th row)
  22. Click the Color combo box and select White, Background 1, Darker 50%
  23. In the Border section, click the bottom border
  24. On the Format Cells dialog, click OK
  25. On the Style dialog, click OK
  26. Select Cells I11:J17
  27. In the Styles section of the Ribbon, click Text Entry
  28. Select Cells C5:D5
  29. In the Styles section of the Ribbon, click Text Entry
  30. Select Cells G5:J5
  31. In the Styles section of the Ribbon, click Text Entry
  32. Select Cells C7:D7
  33. In the Styles section of the Ribbon, click Text Entry
  34. Select Cells G7:J75
  35. In the Styles section of the Ribbon, click Text Entry
  36. On the Ribbon, click View
  37. In the Show/Hide section, click the Gridlines check box
  38. Save the workbook
  39. Complete the worksheet as follows: