Be1 700

The BE1-700V is a compact multifunction numeric relay that provides phase, zero sequence, and negative sequence voltage protection includingover and under frequency, plus control and metering functions in an integrated system. Four shot reclosing with separate Pilot Initiate is available as an option. No obvious change was detected for BE1 in BE2i lines and BE2 in BE1i lines (Figure 2A, B). Furthermore, the protein bands of BE1 were undetectable in BE1i lines, while the BE2 bands in BE2i lines similarly showed a dramatic reduction. The protein levels of BE1 in BE2i lines and BE2 in BE1i lines did not change. These results suggested that. BESTCOMS for BE1-700 is an application marketed by Basler Electric. Some people decide to erase this application. This can be easier said than done because deleting this by hand takes some advanced knowledge related to removing Windows programs manually. The best EASY practice to erase BESTCOMS for BE1-700 is to use Advanced Uninstaller PRO. 700 µsec: Stability: Long-Term Drift (3) Offset: 10 µrad/12 hrs: 15 µrad/24 hrs: Gain: 10 ppm/24 hrs: Thermal Drift.BE1: Right-side laser beam entry.

Design Features

  • Attains single-digit, micron-level accuracy throughout the field of view
  • Improves thermal stability significantly with optical feedback technology
  • Delivers industry-best resolution of >24 bits when used with Aerotech’s GCL controller
  • Includes wide range of apertures and focal lengths
  • Offers many choices of mirror surface treatments for a variety of laser wavelengths

Calibrate Micron-Level Accuracy, Count on Ultimate Stability

With AGV-HP(O), which offers the highest level of accuracy of any laser scanner, you’ll produce consistent parts with smaller, more precise features. The AGV HP(O)’s highly repeatable and thermally stable feedback sensors can be calibrated down to single-digit, micron-level accuracy over the field of view (see figure below). With the extremely low thermal gain drift performance of the position transducers, complex, high-density laser machining applications that take long periods of time to complete will maintain consistent micron-level feature placement accuracy over the lifetime of the process. Likewise, high-throughput applications will maintain consistent part-to- part quality without having to re-calibrate between parts. For the highest level of thermal stability, the AGV-HP(O) scanners can be equipped with water cooling to stabilize the operating temperature of the device under varying loads, changes in ambient temperature or beam clipping on the input aperture.

Real-Time Process Visibility

The location of the AGV-HP(O) mirrors can be captured and analyzed in real time. With direct access to the scanner positions, you won’t need to program delay parameters to compensate for lag and tracking errors in the servo system. The process can be optimized prior to marking the part, saving you time and reducing material waste. You can also control the state of the laser based on in-position and velocity criteria, further reducing programming complexity.

Advanced Programming Features

The AGV-HP(O) uses all the advanced motion and position synchronized output (PSO) capabilities that Aerotech has developed for traditional servo-based laser processing applications. Contouring functions, such as acceleration limiting, can be used to automatically reduce speeds in tight corners or small radii to minimize overshoot. The laser can be triggered based on the position feedback of the mirrors with PSO to ensure consistent spot overlap as the scanner changes speed. Aerotech’s Infinite Field of View (IFOV) function seamlessly combines servo and scanner motion to extend the marking capability of the scanner across the entire travel of the servo stages, eliminating stitching errors that can occur in a more traditional move-expose-repeat process.

Design Choices

The AGV-HP(O) family is available with 10, 14, 20 and 30 mm input apertures and can be equipped with an F-Theta or telecentric lens directly from Aerotech. Users can also acquire the focusing optic directly from a trusted supplier, with Aerotech supplying a spacer ring to ensure that back reflections through the optic do not damage the scanner mirrors. Mirror coatings for a wide range of UV, visible, IR and CO2 wavelengths are supported. Coatings optimized for ultra-fast lasers are also available.

Mechanical Specifications

Optical Performance
Beam Aperture10 mm14 mm20 mm30 mm
Maximum Scan Angle±20°
Beam Displacement12.6 mm16.5 mm23.2 mm35.7 mm
Feedback Resolution0.012 µrad (25 bit)
Dither (Min. Incremental Motion)(2)0.4 µradRMS
Accuracy50 µrad pk-pk
Repeatability(3)0.4 µradRMS
Gain Error0.05 mrad
Dynamic Performance
Tracking Error0 µsec
Peak Acceleration(4,5)288,000 m/s2224,000 m/s280,000 m/s256,000 m/s2
Continuous Acceleration(4, 6)75,200 m/s256,000 m/s220,800 m/s219,200 m/s2
Positioning Speed(4)75 m/s75 m/s50 m/s20 m/s
Marking Speed(4, 7, 8)5 m/s5 m/s5 m/s5 m/s
Jump & Settle Time, 1 mm Move(4, 9)270 µsec270 µsec450 µsec700 µsec
Long-Term Drift(3)Offset10 µrad/12 hrs
15 µrad/24 hrs
Gain10 ppm/24 hrs
Thermal DriftOffset10 µrad/°C
Gain1 ppm/°C
Mechanical Specifications
Mass-HP4.1 kg4.4 kg5.1 kg5.8 kg
-HPO2.5 kg2.6 kg2.9 kg3.1 kg
MaterialAluminum (Black Anodize and Blue Paint)
MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure)20,000 Hours

1. All angles are optical unless otherwise specified.
2. Without -AC air cooling option.
3. After initial 3 hour warm-up, ambient temperature variation < ±0.5 deg.
4. Typical performance with f = 160mm F-Theta objective.
5. Based on maximum rated current of the motor.
6. Based on rated rms current of the motor with -WC water cooling option; maximum continuous acceleration is 70% of this value without water cooling.
7. Achievable with <1% velocity error over continuous velocity portion of move.
8. Marking speed is dependent on allowable tracking error.
9. Settled to within 1% of move distance.
10. All specifications are per axis unless otherwise noted.

Electrical Specifications

Drive SystemBrushless Direct-Drive Galvano Motor
FeedbackNoncontact Rotary Encoder
Maximum Bus Voltage±40 VDC
Limit SwitchesOptical limit switches and software limits
Home SwitchAt Center

AGV-HP(O) Series Galvanometer Scanner

AGV10HP(O)2-axis galvanometer scanner with 10 mm diameter beam aperture and integral high-precision feedback
AGV14HP(O)2-axis galvanometer scanner with 14 mm diameter beam aperture and integral high-precision feedback
AGV20HP(O)2-axis galvanometer scanner with 20 mm diameter beam aperture and integral high-precision feedback
AGV30HP(O)2-axis galvanometer scanner with 30 mm diameter beam aperture and integral high-precision feedback

Housing Type (Required)

-Closed scanner housing (AGVxxHP)
OOpen scanner housing (AGVxxHPO)
Note: -BE2 is not available with AGV30HP or AGV30HPO.

Beam Entry (Required)

-BE1Right-side laser beam entry (standard)
-BE2Left-side laser beam entry

Wavelength of Mirror Coating (Required)

-W00110.6 µm
-W002Durable-Silver (450 nm - 10.6 µm)
-W0031552 nm
-W0041064 nm
-W0051030 nm
-W006532 nm
-W007515 nm
-W008355 nm
-W009343 nm
-W0129.3 µm

Note: Custom coatings available. Contact factory for details.

F-Theta Lenses Available (Optional)(1, 2)

-LxxSee Table 1: F-Theta Lenses Available

Mounting Plate (Optional)

-MPMounting plate

Note: -MP option is only available with closed scanner housing (AGVxxHP) models.

Air Cooling (Optional)

-ACAir cooling

Water Cooling (Optional)

-WCWater cooling

Performance Grade (Required)

-PL0Standard performance grade
-PL9Ultra performance grade

Integration (Required)

Aerotech offers both standard and custom integration services to help you get your system fully operational as quickly as possible. The following standard integration options are available for this system. Please consult Aerotech if you are unsure what level of integration is required, or if you desire custom integration support with your system.

-TASIntegration - Test as system
Testing, integration, and documentation of a group of components as a complete system that will be used together (ex: drive, controller, and stage). This includes parameter file generation, system tuning, and documentation of the system configuration.
-TACIntegration - Test as components
Testing and integration of individual items as discrete components that ship together. This is typically used for spare parts, replacement parts, or items that will not be used together. These components may or may not be part of a larger system.

Lens Mounting Adapters (to be ordered as separate line item)

LM10HP-XXXLens mount adapter for AGV10HP(O); standard versions support the lens configurations offered by Aerotech; custom versions available on request
LM14HP-XXXLens mount adapter for AGV14HP(O); standard versions support the lens configurations offered by Aerotech; custom versions available on request
LM20HP-XXXLens mount adapter for AGV20HP(O); standard versions support the lens configurations offered by Aerotech; custom versions available on request
LM30HP-XXXLens mount adapter for AGV30HP(O); standard versions support the lens configurations offered by Aerotech; custom versions available on request

Table 1: F-Theta Lenses Available (Optional)(1, 2)

55 mm sq. FOV
35 mm sq. FOV
100 mm sq. FOV
90 mm sq. FOV
75 mm sq. FOV
65 mm sq. FOV(4)
65 mm sq. FOV(4)
45 mm sq. FOV
160 mm sq. FOV
150 mm sq. FOV(4)
150 mm sq. FOV(4)
90 mm sq. FOV
40 mm sq. FOV
230 mm sq. FOV(4)
105 mm sq. FOV(4)
35 mm sq. FOV(4)
70 mm sq. FOV(4)
90 mm sq. FOV
60 mm sq. FOV(4)
70 mm sq. FOV
40 mm sq. FOV
80 mm sq. FOV(4)
150 mm sq. FOV(4)
90 mm sq. FOV
85 mm sq. FOV
145 mm sq. FOV(4)
55 mm sq. FOV(4)
110 mm sq. FOV(4)
60 mm sq. FOV(4)
30 mm sq. FOV
105 mm sq. FOV(4)
90 mm sq. FOV
75 mm sq. FOV
60 mm sq. FOV(4)
40 mm sq. FOV
105 mm sq. FOV(4)
40 mm sq. FOV
75 mm sq. FOV
15 mm sq. FOV
100 mm sq. FOV(4)
50 mm sq. FOV
40 mm sq. FOV
90 mm sq. FOV
40 mm sq. FOV
80 mm sq. FOV
5 mm sq. FOV
140 mm sq. FOV
80 mm sq. FOV
140 mm sq. FOV
5 mm sq. FOV
70 mm sq. FOV
115 mm sq. FOV
1. Lenses specified as XXX-YYY(-T), where “XXX” represents the wavelength in nanometers, “YYY” represents the focal length in millimeters, and the presence of “-T” indicates a telecentric design.
2. Input beam diameter is assumed to be equal to scan head entrance aperture at 1/e^2 Gaussian profile.
3. Reported field-of-view (FOV) sizes are approximate and may be subject to minor variation as a function of the application’s laser and optical paramterers.
Contact factory for details.
4. Certain F-theta lenses are not recommended for use with short-pulse lasers (picosecond and femtosecond pulse durations). Contact factory for alternate lens options that are


compatible with short-pulse lasers.
5. Custom lenses available. Contact factory for details.

The brake variants in the modular system
Smaller holding torques are required for inverter operation.Today's brakes are often oversized. This is why the new modular motor system from SEW-EURODRIVE makes it possible to choose from up to three brake sizes for each motor size. The BE brake is based on the extremely successful BM(G) brake, but was further developed in many aspects.

The brake size has always been inevitably connected to the motor size. 'Less' brake was only possible by reducing the braking torque with a modified brake spring. The new combination options of DR motors with BE brakes are no longer subject to this inflexibility. The DR motor can be combined with two or three different BE brake sizes.

New features
Depending on the required braking torque or braking work, the DR motor can be combined with the ideal BE brake. Brake mounting to motors size 90 and larger offers another special feature. The brake itself is mounted on a friction plate, which only has to be attached to the endshield. Without opening the motor, the entire brake unit can now be removed and replaced - also by a larger or smaller brake.

Excerpt from the brake combination options

Motor type

Brake type

Wmax [MJ]

Brake torque stepping [lb/in]




















































Regardless of the mounting position, the manual brake release of the BE brakes is application-optimized
The manual brake release, tried and tested as HR (automatic disengaging) or HF (lockable), is another field in which SEW-EURODRIVE is breaking new ground. In the past, HF or HR could only be mounted to the motor in one mounting position. BE05 to BE32, i.e. from DRS71 to 225, allow for 4 different mounting positions.

If the terminal box is at 0º, the standard position of the brake is 303º, 213º, 123º or 33º are also possible if the manual brake release does not collide with other elements. The mounting position can be changed after the drive has been delivered.
Additional features of the brakes are:

    Manual brake release
  • automatic disengaging
  • lockable

    Monitoring of
  • function
  • wear