How To Center Text On A Page In Word 2010

I recently bought a new computer and also bought a new version of Word (MS Word 2010). I installed Word 2010 on my new computer last week and immediately noticed that the page was distractingly lopsided, with the white page all the way to the left of the screen, filling about 30% of my monitor, and blank gray space filling the other 70% to the. Formatting text. Formatted text can emphasize important information and help organize your document. In Word, you have several options for adjusting the font of your text, including size, color, and inserting special symbols. You can also adjust the alignment of the text to change how it is displayed on the page. (Note: This answer is long because it contains two sets of instructions: One for Word 2007 and one for previous versions.) In Word versions prior to Word 2007: 1. Click in an affected paragraph. Click on the Format-Styles and Formatting menu item. Step 1 − Select a portion of the text using any of the text selection methods. Step 2 − Now take your mouse pointer over the selected text and hold the left button of the mouse and keep holding it while moving around the document. If you're creating a brochure or cover page for a business document, you might want to use Microsoft Word 2010 to align your text vertically. In Word 2010, you can vertically align text at the top.

  1. How To Center Text On A Page In Word 2010 Pdf
  2. How To Center Text On A Page In Word 2010 Document
  3. Center Text On Page In Word 2016

This resource is designed to be printed as a one page PDF file. An HTML version is also available below.



Create a uniform heading structure through use of styles in Word. This allows screen readers to navigate a document, and improves accessibility for everyone.

Adding and Editing Headings

Headings can be created using the Styles toolbar.

  1. Select the text and click on the appropriate style (e.g. “Heading 1”).
  2. Headings 1, 2, or 3 can also be assigned using Ctrl + Alt + 1, 2, or 3, respectively.

Alternative Text for Images

Images can be given appropriate alternative text in Word. This Alt text is read by a screen reader in a Word file and should remain intact when exporting to HTML or PDF.

Word 2007

How to center text on a page in word 2010 free
  1. Right-click on the image and select Size. A dialog box will appear.
  2. Select the Alt Text tab, and replace the filename with appropriate alternative text.

Word 2010

  1. Right-click on the image and select Format Picture. A dialog box will appear.
  2. Select the Alt Text tab on the sidebar. Enter appropriate Alt text to the Description field, not the Title field.


When creating columns, always use true columns, not columns created by hand with the Tab key.

Creating Columns

  1. Select Page Layout on the Ribbon.
  2. Select Columns in the Page Setup group.

Data Tables

  • Use the Insert Table command to create tables, not by hand with spaces or the Tab key.
  • There is no way to easily create table headers in Word.
  • The first row can be identified as table headers in PDF (but not in HTML). To do this, Right click on the first row in the table and select Table Properties > Row > Repeat as header row at the top of each page.


Word automatically creates a hyperlink when a user pastes a full URL onto a page. These may not make sense to screen reader users, so more information is needed.


Editing Hyperlinks

  1. Select a hyperlink, right click, and select Edit Hyperlink or Ctrl + k.
  2. Change the text in the Text to Display field to a more meaningful description.


Use true numbered and bulleted lists to emphasize a point or a sequence of steps.

Creating Lists

  1. Select Page Layout on the Ribbon.
  2. Select Bullets and Numbering.
How To Center Text On A Page In Word 2010

Word 2010 Accessibility Checker

How To Center Text On A Page In Word 2010 Pdf

Word 2010 includes an accessibility resource that identifies and repairs accessibility issues.

Running the Accessibility Checker

How To Center Text On A Page In Word 2010 Document

  1. Select File > Info > Check for Issues > Check Accessibility.
  2. The checker presents accessibility errors, warnings, and tips on how to repair the errors.

Other Principles

  • Ensure that font size is sufficient, around 12 points.
  • Provide sufficient contrast.
  • Don’t use color as the only way to convey content.
  • Provide a table of contents, especially for long documents.
  • Use simple language.

Center Text On Page In Word 2016

Made possible by a grant from the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), US Department of Education. No official endorsement implied.

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Outlook 2007 Autocorrect with formatted text
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