Excel Text Disappears

Excel text disappears when typing

Got this really weird thing happening in Excel 2003. I have some text in a cell and I want it to wrap within the cell. I select the 'Wrap Text' check box in the cell format options and the text in the cell disappears!! I have tried using Alt+Enter to split the text but it doesn't help. Exploded Text keeps disappearing Hi, I'm using AutoCAD 2013. I need to explode text so that it will appear as line work, otherwise my surveying instrument won't display it. When i use the express tools explode text command, the text disapears, this message is shown in the command bar 'The line objects have been placed on layer 0.' Prevent text form overlapping cells. To prevent text from overlapping cells, you can do as follow: 1. Select the cells you want to prevent cell contacts from spilling over and right click, then select Format Cells from the context menu. Re: Cell input disappears after enter. I still cannot write to this workbook. Instead, I opened Excel then from there opened the problem workbook and now I can write to it. This post helpd me a lot, to resolve my excel color text disappearing issue. Collapse - Fill color in Excel Not functional by rvn320 Feb 2, 2013 5:57PM PST. Solution to Excel fill and font color.

My excel spreadsheet disappeared

Excel Text Box Disappears

Toolbar on excel disappears

Not aware of a piece of software for what you've asked but to address the other part of the question, it's clutching at sttraws a little, but I have a question or 2 that lead to answers - was the drive ejected with with the safely remove drive icon from the Windows notification area or otherwise 'ejected' via a UI somewhere, or was the cable just pulled? Is so what are the the write caching options set to for that drive?

Excel Text Formulas

IIRC (this may have changed, not had to look at something like this for a few years) Excel delete the current file and writes a new copy of it when you save so if that was still waiting to be flushed to disk when it was pulled the old file would potentially be one and the replacment not shown up yet.

Excel text box disappears

Toolbar On Excel Disappears

If that's happened and nothing else has been written to the disk since you can probably find the file with some file recovery tools for the relevant file system.