Rappelz Shadow Hunter Guide


Rappelz Player Class Guide by koki1

Abilities are skills a pet can learn that enables the pet card to be equipped on the player's belt slot. When equipped, it increases a character's Stat(s). Sadly, the in-game tooltip for belt stats is bugged at the minute, giving completely incorrect stats. When a pet (with belt passives skilled) is slotted onto your belt, there is a +1% increase to the appropriate stats for each pet with the. The Rappelz Reference Guide lists the pets in order of taming chance, using tiers. As of Epic 4, pets from tiers 1 through 3 are considered Basic, and tier 4 pets are considered Rare.

A storyline containing multiple quests in a single chapter. Always up to date with the latest patch (8.3.7). Asura Warrior Master ClassThe Slayerspecializes in pulling in non-Cubric Hard Mode dungeons. Because Slayers possess no offensive skills, and lack in defense. Their stealth abilities allow them to plan strikes on their targets. But now Slayer can be powerful DD or Semi-Tanker. The Slayer specializes in the use of dual weapons and evasion. Slayers possess some offensive skills, but truly shine. view. talk The Shadow Hunter outfit is a discontinued outfit from Solomon's General Store. This outfit does not offer a colour change option and is not visible while in PvP areas. It was previously available from 28 January 2013 until 24 June 2013. It was made available again between 20 July 2017 at 00:00 UTC and 2 August 2017 at 23:59 UTC, and once again for the week starting on 12.

I made this little thing mostly for new players who wants to know more the classes. Maybe it will help people choosing a class for the first time.

First, when you make your character, you choose your race. There are 3 different races; Gaia, Deva and Asura.


Then, when you have completed some start quests and such, you will be able to choose your first job class. For each race there are 3 first job classes:

Gaia: Fighter, Kahuna and Spell Singer.
Deva: Holy Warrior, Cleric and Breeder.
Asura: Strider, Dark Magi and Sorcerer.

Fighter: The Gaia warrior. A regular damage dealer class. The class can be used as a melee combat fighter or a long range fighter. As melee weapon I would recommend using a 2-handed axe or 2 1-handed axes (you will need a passive skill for that). Swords also work. As long range weapon you have a Long Bow.

Kahuna: The Gaia magician. This class have some good magic spells combined with a pretty good melee fighting ability. They are usually using a 2-handed axe for fighting. They also have buff skills (raising stats of others/yourself) that are very useful in groups.

Spell Singer: The Gaia summoner. As all summoner classes, this class uses a pet to fight by your side. It got skills to make a pet strong. Combined with this, it’s also a good fighter by itself. I would recommend using 2 1-handed axes when you get the passive skill for it. A 2-handed axe works too.

Holy Warrior: The Deva warrior. This class are mainly melee combat warriors. It has good defense and health, which makes it an excellent tank that can last long. Many weapons fit this class, some are 1-handed sword + shield, 2 1-handed swords, spear, 1-handed mace + shield etc.

Cleric: The Deva magician. This class are most known for the healing spells. It can heal (restore health) other players and itself. This makes it an excellent class for playing in groups to keep people alive. It also have other good magic spells and buffs. I recommend using a staff for better healing when you are playing in a group or a mace when you play alone for a good combination of magic and melee attacks.

Breeder: The Deva summoner. A class where you use a pet fighting by your side. It has skills to make a pet strong in addition to pet healing and pet buffs. Recommended weapon is a 2-handed mace.

Strider: The Asura warrior. A class that fights melee or range. It is known for fast hits and quick speed. Melee weapons would be 2 1-handed swords or 2 1-handed dirks. The range weapon for this class is a crossbow.

Dark Magi: The Asura magician. This class is using attack magic and debuff magic. It casts strong magic spells to kill the enemy. It uses a 2-handed staff for strong magic attacks, but a dirk + shield combo works too for melee attacks.

Sorcerer: The Asura summoner. Another class where you use a pet to fight by your side. It have skills to make your pet strong and also got good magic attack skills. They are mainly using dirk + shield to fight.

Later, when your character level is at least 50 and your job level is at least 40, you will be able to choose a second job class based on the class you choose as first job.

A short list over the second job classes:


Fighter can become a Champion or an Archer.
Champion improves the melee ability of the fighter.
Archer improves the range ability of the fighter.

Kahuna can become a Druid or a Battle Kahuna.
Druid gets good new magic spells and are probably more specialized on magic than the Battle Kahuna.
Battle Kahuna improves the fighting of the Kahuna, and are probably more specialized on melee attacking than the Druid.

Spell Singer can become an Evoker.
Evoker improves the abilities of the spell singer.

Holy Warrior can become a Soldier or a Knight.
Soldier improves the abilities of the Holy Warrior. Probably a bit more oriented on attack power than the Knight.
Knight improves the abilities of the Holy Warrior. Probably a bit more oriented on defense power than the Soldier.

Cleric can become a Priest or a Bishop.
Priest improves the healing abilities of the Cleric.
Bishop improves the magic abilities of the Cleric. A little less healing specialized than the Priest.

Breeder can become a Soul Breeder.
Soul Breeder improves the abilities of the Breeder.

Strider can become an Assassin or a Shadow Hunter.
Assassin improves the melee ability of the Strider.
Shadow Hunter improves the range ability of the Strider.

Dark Magi can become a Chaos Magician or a Warlock.
Chaos Magician improves the magic abilities of the Dark Magi. More attack spell specialized than the Warlock.
Warlock improves the magic abilities of the Dark Magi. More Debuff spell specialized than the Chaos Magician.

Sorcerer can become a Battle Summoner.
Battle Summoner improves the abilities of the Sorcerer.

EDIT: Links to where to find the skill trees for every class:
The Gaia classes:
http://rappelz.spartancommand.net/index … topic&t;=82
The Deva Classes:
http://rappelz.spartancommand.net/index … topic&t;=84
The Asura Classes:
http://rappelz.spartancommand.net/index … topic&t;=83

Note that some names of the classes / skills on these links are not correct compared to in-game.

Hope you choose a class that you like and good luck with the game.

If you want to have an Uber Knight/Soldier, please read. You won?t regret it. This method works for me, and I?ve tweaked it with nearly 4 months of Epic 4 testing. It?s only a foundation, and must be tweaked with Rings, Earrings and weapons, as well as careful Chest Armor choices. This is meant for people looking at near-endgame builds.
Old School people on Tortus, KTS and US Test know me well as Jiandao. I?ve earned a strong reputation as the 'Juggerbish', and as well as being well-known for using very strange PvP tactics. During sieges run by Honor, I was always at the very front; 'The Tip of the Spear', as they say. We never lost a single siege. Ever.
For the past few months, I?ve been hiding away on Test Server and Korean lives servers, preparing for Epic 4. Here is the result of that time...
Here are the two ideal builds for Knight;
As a melee class, Knight actually has high enough VIT to take minimum damage on most dungeon mobs, especially with a Tortus buff (+140PDEF). Add the +50%AGI, and he?ll dodge approximately 1/5 attacks. You might say, 'That?s not much.', but that reduces the overall damage he takes by 20%. Since threat is easily gained by 'Provoke', actual damage output isn?t that important. Be forewarned, this build may require a 'Voke-Spam', spamming Provoke to earn threat.
WIS 25%
Due to Knight?s already mostrous VIT, it?s nice to counter-balance that with some WIS (MDEF). Knights are sitting ducks against casters, so the added WIS may be just enough to allow them to close the distance without getting instantly dropped. In return, casters are very weak to melee, so a higher STR will work in the Knight?s favor. High STR also means better tanking, and more inventory WGT to carry supplies.
Here are my two builds for Soldier;
[Wearing Holy Armor]
In this role, I am a pure tanker, soaking up as much damage as possible, and dishing out as much in return. This is a purely PvE build, and is better suited for dungeons. Soldiers have the same VIT as Knights and take very little mob damage via Offense Breaker, Divine Flash, Judgement Buster and Shinning Crash. Since Shinning Cluster now has no cooldown, most Soldiers need only use Provoke once to keep and hold agro. Again, this is a purely PvE build; useless in PvP.
[Wearing Holy Suit]

Rappelz Shadow Hunter Guide Classic

Now here?s where your Soldier is going to shine. The goal is not to rely on a predefined build, revolving an a specialized trait, but even out the edges and make him more versatile. This build relies more on actual player ability than a build.
By starting with a strong +50%STR on all equipments, you guarantee an ass-whoopin? to anyone who gets within 3 feet of you.
Rappelz Shadow Hunter GuideSoldiers have naturally high VIT to begin with, so a Hunter Suit will not reduce his PDEF by much. +20%VIT is good enough to raise his HP into 10K mark [LVL1XX], as well as make up for his armour?s shortcomings. Again, I can?t stress this enough, Soldiers do not need massive VIT; it comes naturally.

Rappelz Shadow Hunter Guide Osrs

Chosing a Hunter Suit will prove to be the wisest choice, especially when fighting casters and summoners. The dominant summoner strategy is to get their pets to chase their opponent around, while they spam MATK skills from a distance. Casters will 'Snare/Sleep/Stun + Nuke', then run away. By chosing Hunter Armor and adding +20%WIS, you effectively take much less damage, and have better chances of surviving that first volley. Once that is done, the Hunter Suit?s +10MOVSPD can be put to use; 1. You will close the gap quicker and; 2. It will be very difficult for melee pets to actually catch you.
Another reason for adding +20%WIS to you equipment is because you rely heavily on your ranged spells to stop ranged players from rocking you. Again, casters and summoners have naturally high MRES, so it may be difficult to land spells on them.

Rappelz Shadow Hunter Guide Wow Classic

In regards to the +10%DEX, this is because you must always have a bow. 'Restrain' can effectively cause massive amounts of damage, as well as reduce movement speed by -42% for 10 seconds. It cools in 15 seconds, making it usable very often. It?s instacast, and causes obscene damage, especially when combined with Shinning Cluster. Again, this isn?t a main weapon, but should be available at a moment?s notice if a player is constantly trying to kite you. Pop with Restrain, attack, Judgement Buster, now close the gap while he is stunned.
The above-mentioned builds and tactics are a good foundation to find your own builds. As a rules, you will want to always pour 50% of your Soul Stones into STR for Soldier. Soldier is mainly a damage dealer and debuffer. If you cut out your STR, you become useless to your party, as well as useless to your guild in siege. Some players prefer to be very specialised in one thing, but I feel this is a mistake, simply because versatility is vital to advanced players. Whether you take Holy Armor or a Holy Suit, always remember that no stat is useless.
Soldiers rely more on player skill than on builds and cheap tactics.
Regarding Knights, try and think about soaking up damage over actual damage dealing. People won?t party you if you can?t absorb damage and protect your party.